The Monarch: Tactile Access to Digital Learning
December 12, 2023, 3:00pm - 4:30pm EST
This webinar is part four of the Tactile Graphics Literacy for Students with Visual Impairments: 4 Part Series. Join this webinar to learn about the skills and background knowledge a student requires to benefit from the use of a multi-line, graphics-capable, refreshable braille display like the Monarch.
- Stephanie Walker; Outreach Specialist; Southcentral Region, APH
- Leslie Weilbacher; Outreach Specialist; Northwest Region, APH
- Hunter Summerlin; Braille Literacy Product Manager, APH
Primary Core or ECC Area
Compensatory AccessTarget Audience
Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Orientation and Mobility Specialist, Parent, Paraprofessional, Early intervention teacher, Vision Rehabilitation Specialist/Therapist/TeacherLearning Objectives
- Participants will identify types and features of refreshable braille displays.
- Participants will describe the importance of digital literacy and refreshable braille displays in providing access to tactile information and graphics literacy skill development.
- Given an overview of digital literacy tools, participants will be able to list skills and background knowledge a student requires to benefit from the use of a multi-line, graphics-capable, refreshable braille display like the Monarch.