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Defining The Dot Experience: Everything You Need to Know

A child holds a grey mold of a hand in their hands over a table while a person on the other side of the table holds out a black and white line drawing of a museum exhibit with braille labels. On the table, another mold of a hand and a thin spiral bound book open to pages showing a key in braille and a floor layout diagram are visible. A second person can be seen behind the table.

What is The Dot Experience?

The Dot Experience is APH’s re-imagined museum set to open in 2026. Designed with an unprecedented set of applied inclusive design standards that puts disability access front and center, it will be five times the space of our original museum. The Dot Experience aims to be the most accessible museum in the world. It will house historic treasures such as Helen Keller’s desk and a rare 1829 book by Louis Braille and share cutting-edge innovations of the present and future. Through first person accounts from people who are blind or low vision, The Dot Experience will change perspectives about blindness and the human experience, incorporating history, education, innovation, a factory tour and more!

Why is it Called The Dot Experience?

The name pays homage to the six-dot system of braille that will be showcased throughout the museum to educate, empower, and encourage literacy for all. Our museum will contain more than just exhibits—there will be opportunities for everyone to experience, touch, and interact!

When Will The Dot Experience Open?

We look forward to welcoming you in 2026!

What Can I Expect to See and Learn at The Dot Experience?

Throughout the museum, blind and low vision people of various backgrounds, including students, artists, advocates, and innovators, will share their successes, struggles, realities, and hopes.

You will meet and learn about Helen Keller, thanks to the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Helen Keller Archival Collection which includes letters, scrapbooks, audio-video materials and more.

You will have hands-on opportunities to learn about the history of education for people who are blind orlow vision and be introduced to cutting-edge technology.

The Dot Experience factory tour will provide an inside look at APH’s working facility.

You will learn how people in the blind and low vision community live, learn, and navigate through life. You will also come away with a new understanding of how to confront many barriers that still exist for those that are blind or low vision, and how you can help make your community more accessible for all.

Will The Dot Experience Include Information About APH’s History?

Yes! We maintain the largest and fastest growing center for historical materials in the nation devoted to the history of blindness and the education of people who are blind or  low vision. Objects from this collection will be displayed throughout The Dot Experience. In addition, APH’s long history of innovation will be highlighted as visitors learn about the history and future of talking books, refreshable braille displays, and magnifiers. The Factory Tour will be an opportunity for visitors to experience firsthand what we do at APH to support students who are blind or low vision across the country.

Can I Try Out APH Products at The Dot Experience?

Our products will be used throughout the experience to enhance learning opportunities and give visitors the chance to get hands-on experience with products such as the Monarch, Juno, Code Jumper, and more.

Where Will The Dot Experience Be Located?

The Dot Experience will be located in front of our current building at 1839 Frankfort Ave Louisville, KY. The lobby will serve as the new entrance into APH, where museum goers and corporate visitors will be welcomed into our tactile experience.

What Ages is The Dot Experience for?

The Dot Experience is for all ages!

How Will The Dot Experience Be More Accessible Than a Normal Museum?

The Dot Experience is being designed with a set of Inclusive Design standards that ensure every visitor will be able to independently explore our re-imagined museum.  Everything from signage to exhibit info will have alt text, corresponding braille, ASL interpretation, and captions. Tactile maps and flooring will guide visitors through the experience to different exhibit locations. All hallways and entry ways will be wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs, and seating will be available throughout the exhibits. In addition, all interactives and braille will be within reachable zones for those who use wheelchairs. We truly aim to Welcome Everyone.

Why Should I Visit The Dot Experience?

The Dot Experience raises the voices and highlights the lived experiences of the blind and low vision community, providing a platform to expand equality and opportunity for all people.

How Can I Support the Creation of The Dot Experience?

The Dot Experience will house many stories from people who are blind or low vision. If someone has positively impacted your life, we’d love to include them. By honoring your influencer with a $250 donation, their name will be included in a tactile display in The Dot Experience. Learn more about how you can ensure your influencer’s legacy. In addition, there are opportunities for both individuals and companies to support The Dot Experience on a larger scale. Please contact for more information.

In Addition to Key Figures like Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder, Are There Going to be Ordinary Blind People Represented?

Absolutely! Visitors to The Dot Experience can expect to hear stories from students, parents, underemployed individuals, athletes, TVIs, and more.


To learn about local events hosted by The Dot Experience, browse our online collection, and more, visit The Dot Experience website.

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