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VIPS Video Library: Becoming a Can-Do Kid: Self-Help Skills, DVD

The VIPS Video Library offers practical and proven techniques.


This product is discontinued.

Catalog Number: 1-30026-DVD


Product Description

Note: Not available with Quota funds.

The VIPS Video Library from Visually Impaired Preschool Services is a series of essential videos on DVD for parents of young children who are visually impaired. These videos offer practical and proven techniques that foster the development of children who are visually impaired and blind. Geared to parents and educators, these videos offer critical insights and strategies to help a child achieve independence. All videos are approximately 12 minutes in length.

It is tempting for parents to do too much for their child who is blind. This video encourages parents to build independence in their child by teaching the child to do things for him- or herself, including feeding, dressing, and personal care.

ON SALE! Available while supplies last.

  • Weight: 0.19 lbs

    Dimensions: 5.3 × 7.5 × 0.65 in

    Federal Quota Funds: Not Available

    Language: English

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