Vision Loss in an Aging Society: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
This essential reference outlines the critical components of public policy changes urgently needed in view of demographic trends and is an invaluable resource for university instructors as well as for professionals in the fields of low vision, social work, geriatric medicine, rehabilitation, occupational therapy, and public health.
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Catalog Number: F-B0053-00
Publishers: APH Press
Authors: Frank J. Whittington, John E. Crews
Product Description
Vision Loss in an Aging Society is a thoughtful and challenging overview that integrates practice and policy issues relating to aging and visual impairment. It reflects the perspectives of leading experts in the fields of vision rehabilitation and aging.
Federal Quota Funds: Not Available
Publishers: APH Press
Authors/Editors: Frank J. Whittington, John E. Crews
Publication Date: 2000
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